Red Sox簽下Lowell的消息總算是有官方版本了,昨天我就有看到類似的消息傳出,不過當時官方還沒有正式的對外發表。
3年37.5M,其中1.5M是signing bonus,未來三年,Lowell每一年的薪水都是12M;這個合約簽的很棒、很漂亮,我早在這篇文章就有談過我對Red Sox和Lowell簽約的看法,當時我的底限就是3年36M,如果超出這個範圍的話,那我不認為簽下Lowell是一項正確的事。
"It's hard not to notice how much affection our fans have for Mike and how much they wanted to see him back. To be honest with you, we really try to completely factor that out of the equation," Epstein said. "I think our philosophy in the front office is that we try to please our fans in October. That's the most important time of year you can do things on the field to make them happy.
When it comes to November and December and making decisions, we just have to do what's in the best interest of the Red Sox organization for the short term and the long term.
"It's hard not to notice how much affection our fans have for Mike and how much they wanted to see him back. To be honest with you, we really try to completely factor that out of the equation," Epstein said. "I think our philosophy in the front office is that we try to please our fans in October. That's the most important time of year you can do things on the field to make them happy.
When it comes to November and December and making decisions, we just have to do what's in the best interest of the Red Sox organization for the short term and the long term.
Epstein說的很對,Red Sox的front office(FO)工作的最高指導原則就是打造出一支可以在十月份的時候讓球迷進場看球的球隊,在這個基礎下,FO在簽約與交易時必須同時考慮到球隊長遠的規劃與短期的目標。Epstein在這份工作上一直都做的很好,讓Red Sox能夠持續保持競爭力(2006年的傷兵當然是個意外),如果以前的Red Sox有Epstein來操盤運籌帷幄的話,或許所謂的The Curse of the Bambino這樣的議題就不會被一直炒下去,Red Sox以前拿不到冠軍跟所謂的詛咒並沒有什麼關係,我覺得最主要的還是在於FO的management有問題才會導致86年的奪冠乾旱期。
就算沒能順利把Lowell簽下來我也不會覺得太遺憾,看一下2004年Red Sox拿到冠軍後,陣中的Pedro Martinez、Derek Lowe和Orlando Cabrera相繼投入自由球員市場而離開Red Sox,沒能簽下這些球員儘管讓Red Sox Nation的球迷很不能諒解,不過以我的觀點來看,當初Epstein的做法是正確的,在追逐這些球員時開出合理的價格,誇張的overpay一律不給,這樣做的話不僅不會傷害到球隊,而且當這些自由球員被其他球隊簽走時,只要這些球員符合Type A、Type B、Type C的資格(現在新的CBA規定裡只有Type A和Type B),那簽下這些自由球員的球隊就必須給Red Sox補償選秀權(compensatory draft pick),而Red Sox想要拿到補償選秀權的話必須在十二月七號前向該名球員提出薪資仲裁。
由於要談到2004年Red Sox的例子,所以我下面將先簡單介紹一下2004年的CBA裡面的一些規則。
Type A:第一輪選秀權(有例外,見下面解釋)與第一輪和第二輪之間的三明治選秀權(supplemental pick或稱sandwich pick)
Type B:第一輪選秀權(有例外,見下面解釋)。
Type C:如果這名球員之前沒申請過FA資格的話,會有第二輪跟第三輪之間的
而Type A、Type B、Type C是怎麼評比的呢?由美國專門做運動統計的Elias Sports Bureau來處理,把該球員在近兩年的表現經由公式的運算來做出排序。這個排序是有分組的,其中把DH、1B、OF排在一組;2B、3B、SS排在一組;C排在一組;SP排在一組;RP排在一組。同組內的球員經由公式運算所跑出來的數值來做排序,排名在前30%的球員為Type A,30%~50%的球員為Type B,50%~60%的球員為Type C。
而戰績較差的球隊(第一輪選秀權排在前十五名)如果簽下Type A或Type B的FA,他們不會喪失第一輪選秀權,該名FA的前球隊所能得到的補償選秀權將會從下一輪輪開始算起。
如果有一支球隊簽了不只一個FA,則其他球隊從它這裡所拿到的補償選秀權將依該名FA在Elias Sports Bureau所計算出來的數值決定補償選秀權的先後順序。
OK!回到2004年的Red Sox,2004年Red Sox的球員中申請FA資格且符合補償選秀權規定的有Pedro Martinez(Type A)、Derek Lowe(Type A)、Orlando Cabrera(Type A)。
Mets簽下Pedro,所以理論上Red Sox可以從Mets這邊得到一個第一輪選秀權與一個三明治選秀權,不過由於Mets戰績不佳的原因,所以Mets的第一輪第九順位的選秀權得到保障,因此Red Sox拿到的選秀權就依序往後延變成拿到第一輪與第二輪之間的三明治選秀權(Red Sox選來Clay Buchholz)和第二輪的選秀權(Red Sox選來Jonathan Egan)。
Dodgers簽下Lowe,所以Red Sox從它那裡拿到第一輪選秀權(Red Sox選來Craig Hansen)和第一輪與第二輪之間的三明治選秀權(Red Sox選來Mike Bowden)。
Angels簽下Cabrera,所以Red Sox從它那裡拿到第一輪選秀權(Red Sox選來Jacoby Ellsbury)和第一輪與第二輪之間的三明治選秀權(Red Sox選來Jed Lowrie)。
藉由補償選秀所選來的這六名球員中,Buchholz、Ellsbury、Lowrie、Bowden目前在Red Sox的農場排名裡均是前五名的top prospects。所以即使Epstein沒有跟Lowell簽約的話我也不擔心,因為這樣可以拿到其他球隊前面順位的選秀權來厚植農場。
球迷跟front office對於一支球隊的經營理念常常會是不一樣的,球迷總是會對冠軍隊伍的球員產量很濃厚的感情,並且希望球隊的管理階層能夠把冠軍隊伍有好表現的球員都給留下來再拼明年的總冠軍。不過現實的問題是,這些有好表現的球員只要投入FA market,想簽下他們通常都會有overpay的情形,對於球隊的GM來說,打造一支年年有競爭力的球隊才是正確的方向,在這個想法下,GM在簽自由球員時就不能不考慮球員以後的衰退情形,更不能overpay太高的合約去追逐自由球員,這樣才不會對球隊的未來造成太大的傷害,由這一點來看,我覺得Epstein這幾年都做的很好。
我在這篇文章裡有談到我對2007年Lowell在打擊上的一些看法,他從以往的強力拉回式打者,漸漸轉成能夠把球打到右半邊的全方位打者,這部分原因也可以解釋他2007年為何能夠打出這樣的成績,當然不可否認的是Fenway Park在無形之中也把他的打擊成績給撐高,儘管如此,他在打擊上的實力還是值得肯定的。在防守上來說,雖然他2007年的15次失誤是生涯最高的一年,但是從其他的防守數據來看的話,他仍然擁有美聯防守前幾名的金手套實力,這是單單從數據上來看,而就我所看到的Red Sox比賽裡,我對於Lowell的防守能力也是有相當高的評價,這一點在季後賽裡更是可以屢屢看見Lowell把對方打者打往三游方向或是邊線附近的滾地球輕鬆地製造出局數,有他在三壘防守就讓我對Manny的搞笑防守稍微放心一點,當然這份三年約走到第三年的時候,Lowell大概就已經無法站三壘囉!
既然有這麼多支球隊肯給Lowell四年約,那Lowell的agent Sam Levinson也向Epstein提出類似的要求,而Epstein給的回答是:
"Sam, I've heard you ask that before. We're going to hold off. We're very happy with the contract that we signed Mike to and we look forward to a great three years. We appreciate the interest."
那為什麼Lowell後來還是選擇跟Red Sox簽約呢?
How tough was it to walk away from the four-year offers?more stories like this"It wasn't tough in the sense that I knew I wanted to play in Boston, though I wanted to play for four years," he said. "The tough part was four years with other teams/three years with the Red Sox.
"But I can't say that I'm upset with the situation. How can I be upset with the money I'm going to be making and the chance to compete for a world title?
"I always expressed how much I enjoyed playing here in Boston with my teammates, my manager, and all the fans, and that hasn't changed a bit, so I'm actually looking forward to working hard this offseason and getting myself ready for spring training.
"There were definitely things that were considered. Not everything about the whole process was easy.
"There were things that were considered. Definitely. The amount of money that was left on the table . . . I didn't really struggle with it, but I was thinking, 'Is guaranteeing that fourth year something I should really pass up?'
"The analysis I did with my family is, you look at the cities and you look at the teams, you see where they fit, and you compare that with the way you feel and the way you fit with the Red Sox. So ultimately my fit and my comfort level, family, and my team in Boston outweighed those other options.
"It was tough. There were very generous offers being made. And I was very appreciative of the teams that contacted my agents and myself."
Lowell said he was flattered by the affection of the Boston fans, some of whom held up "Re-sign Lowell" signs at the parade.
"I feel the fans have embraced me and I've embraced the fan base of Boston," he said. "I've enjoyed playing in Boston since the first day I was traded, so I'm thrilled to remain here for three more years."
照Epstein的說法,他接著將會把重心放在球隊的牛棚與板凳的補強上。之前看到一些rumor說Red Sox似乎有在跟Twins談交易Santana的事情,無獨有偶地,Epstein在聽到MacPhail說Orioles任何人都可以賣之後,他好像也有在探詢交易Bedard的可能性。看來今年的冬天還很漫長,將會有不少新鮮事發生。